Nike Priority Franchise

Global Men’s, Women’s, and Kid’s

Priority franchise lead, responsible for toolkit production including copy, imagery, and brand guidelines across retail and digital landscapes. Tasked with integrating Priority Franchise into Nike’s Consumer Direct Acceleration by identifying and establishing an end-to-end roadmap across dates & gates. Responsible for sample ordering and product reservations, brand and consumer brief development, studio coordination, and final toolkit signoff. Led studio and agency briefings, studio checkpoints, and toolkit reviews. Final toolkits were utilized by internal and external teams, including wholesale partners. Toolkits included guidance around paid media, digital (social, email, .com), and print.

December 2022

August 2023

Identified new platform utilization, including Instagram Shop.

Priority Franchise Placements:

  • + Nike App, Email, Social Media, Paid Media, PDP

  • Retail Partner websites + apps, paid social, email


  • Men/Women/Kids: Global Brand Management, Global Consumer Direct Marketing (CDM), Nike Digital Direct Commerce (NDDC), Global Brand Management Product Management, Global CDM Social Media, Geo CDM teams,

Toolkit Contents:

  • Brand Guidelines, Fonts + Logos, Layouts, Copy + Still Assets

  • Digital Activation Templates