Google Course Certification: 6YY5L8WWC7QN
Google Course Certification: CBWFG4V9W8UH
Google Course Certification: 6FYZ6YBW8QZC
Utah State University
JCOM 1130 Beginning Newswriting for the Mass Media: Techniques of writing news for various media. News values, philosophy, and practice. Elementary news-gathering and interviewing skills. Practice in various newswriting forms. Structures of the news industries and work place.
JCOM 1500 Intro To Mass Communication (BSS*): History, philosophy, structures, and functions of the mass media (newspapers, magazines, TV and radio, advertising, and public relations) and their intersection with other social institutions. Media economics and the impacts of new technologies on media institutions and society.
JCOM 2010 Media Smarts (BSS*): Critical analysis of the roles and performance of mass media content and messages, and their influence on society. Emphasizes critical reading of news, entertainment, and advertising content regarding women, minorities, children, and other groups. Basic mass media ethics and law.
JCOM 2160 Intro On-Line Journalism (CI*): Use of interactive computer networks, databases, and other electronic resources. Development of personal webpages for portfolio building. Practice in information evaluation for news gathering.
JCOM 2220 Intro to Video Media: Introduction to the theories of video production and functions in broadcasting and the electronic mass media, including concepts, techniques, and impacts of various video approaches.
JCOM 2230 Writing for Electronic Media: Theory and practice of reporting public affairs for broadcast and electronic media. Emphasizes news gathering, understanding local political structures, news and feature writing, interviewing, media law, ethics, and cultural sensitivity.
JCOM 4030 Mass Media Law (DSS*): Principles and theories of constitutional and case law governing the mass media, including libel and privacy, copyright, press freedom, broadcast regulation, and press responsibility.
JCOM 4210 Newscast I (CI*): Basics of electronic newsgathering and writing for electronic news media. Use of electronic video equipment for creation of on-air newscast and other visual news materials.
JCOM 4220 Newscast II (CI*): Newsroom organization and practice in electronic and video news production, including directing and producing, writing for video news, use of studio equipment, use of video production equipment, staff management, and control room operations.
JCOM 4500 Projects in Communication: Individualized directed study in communication topics, based upon student proposal to instructor.
JCOM 4510 Communication Internship: Supervised, real-world training and practice in communication work places, including news and business environments.
HASS 4250 Advanced Internship/Co-op: Internship or cooperative education position of a more professional level, with increased complexity, approved by the college.
SPCH 3330 Intercultural Communication (DSS*): Study of how communication shapes culture and how culture, in turn, affects communication. Development of active intercultural communication in professional and personal contexts.
USU 1300 (BAI*): Provides basic understanding of the history, principles, form of government, and economic system of the United States. Emphasis on ideas and critical thinking, rather than dates, names, and places.
PHIL 2200 Deductive Logic (QI*): Study of deductive arguments and techniques for evaluating their validity, including construction of proofs. Recognizing formal fallacies in reasoning. Symbolizing English sentences and arguments to make their meanings precise. Propositional logic. Study of quantifiers and relations.
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in Persuasive Mode (CL2*): Writing reasoned academic argument supported with appropriately documented sources. Focuses on library and Internet research, evaluating and citing sources, oral presentations based on research, and collaboration.
Michigan State University
KIN 300E Coaching Football: Techniques and strategies for coaching football. Rules, drills, and training. Development and evaluation of individual and team skills. Planning, conducting, and evaluating practices and games.
COM 225 An Intro to Interpersonal Communication: Principles and practices of interpersonal communication. Emphasis on effective and responsible interpersonal communication.
COM 240 Intro to Organizational Communication: Theories, systems, structures, and processes of organizational communication. Organizational cultures. Communication in multinational organizations and in individual, leadership, supervisor-subordinate and small group situations.
COM 275 Effects of Mass Communication: Major social effects of mass media on audience behavior. Political communication. Media effects on children. Message strategies producing attitude change. Interrelationships between mass media and interpersonal communication.
COM 315 Information Gathering & Interview Theory: Information gathering as a relational process. Interaction through the asking and answering of questions.
SOC 131 Social Problems: The role of social movements, the legal system, public policy and opinion in the resolution of poverty, crime, racism, sexism, and ecological problems.
SOC 215 Race and Ethnicity: Racial and ethnic problems in contemporary society. Prejudice, discrimination, conflict, and racial and ethnic identity and segregation in western and non-western societies.
SOC 316 Youth and Society: Behavioral analysis of youth. Youth subcultures. Youth at risk. Social change and youth behavior.
ISS 215 Social Differentiation & Inequality: Types, causes and consequences of stratification in human societies. Age, class, gender, race and other factors which define social position. Education, occupation, political economy.
ISS 335 National Diversity and Change: United States: Racial, ethnic, class, gender, and other forms of diversity in the United States. Systems of dominant-minority relations and forms of prejudice and discrimination. Scope of and responses to group inequalities.
IAH 202 Europe and the World: Cultural encounters and political relationships between Europeans and people(s) from other regions of the world since 1500 as shown through study of written texts, literature, the visual arts, music, and other forms of expression. Examples from Europe and several continents.